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What is Nanochemistry?

Nanoscience and nanotechnology can be used in the field of chemistry to study and manipulate substances at the nanoscale.(1)


The properties of a material are determined by its molecular structure and microstructure.(2)  Nanotechnology is therefore key to the creation of new materials that have desirable functions as it allows us to control the structure of materials at the nano-level.

The following section on nanochemistry includes activities that encompass nanoscience and nanotechnology concepts. These activities also include the underlying concepts involved in the work conducted by Dr Parhizkar and Dr Sutti. 


Testing Hips Coated Weatherboard Sample, scienceimage (Cheung 2009).(3)

The activities are designed help students to gain an understanding of the size of nanoparticles through filtration where the size of a substance determines its ability to be filtered from a mixture and an understanding of nano-fabrics. Students explore how added nanoparticles and nanofibres contribute to the properties of nano-fabrics. This can lead to consideration for their future applications in the textiles industry.

Chemistry teacher


  1., What is Nanotechnology?, <>, n.d. (accessed 21 October 2018).

  2. Q.Q. Zhao, A. Boxman and U. Chowdhry, J Nanopart Res, 2003, 5 (5-6) 567-572.

  3. L. Cheung, 2009, Testing Hips Coated Weatherboard Sample, photograph, scienceimage, CSIRO, retrieved 21 October 2018, <>.

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