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Dr Alessandra Sutti - Senior Research Fellow

Dr Alessandra Sutti

Alessandra is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Frontier Materials, where she leads a team focused on short polymer fibre research.


Alessandra moved from Italy to Australia in 2007, pursuing an academic career in nanomaterials science. Her work pivots on the development of novel fibre manufacturing technologies, fluid-dynamics, and of novel materials and applications based on short polymer fibres, including biomedical applications.





Alessandra’s expertise ranges from nanomaterials and colloids to microemulsion synthesis, sol-gel techniques, hydrogels and polymer science. Alessandra is currently involved in a number of biomaterials and textile-focused projects. She also teaches biomaterials and soft-matter focused modules for the Engineering and Health degrees at Deakin University.

Dr Sutti’s close collaboration with Industry partners HeiQ Materials AG, HeiQ Australia Pty Ltd and Cytomatrix Pty Ltd (stem cell solutions) has resulted in a number of patents, Australian competitive grants, a Victorian Engineering Excellence Award (2014), a finalist spot in the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards, and the establishment of HeiQ Australia Pty Ltd. Amongst the latest grants, Dr Sutti’s research has greatly contributed to the Future Fibres ARC-ITR Hub, a multi-million dollar grant with Industry to pursue industrially-relevant research in fibre technologies.

Introductory Video

Nanochemistry and Dr Alessandra Sutti

The following activities have been created to teach some of the concepts around nanotechnology in chemistry including concepts that underline Dr Alessandra Sutti's work on nanomaterials. You can find these activities under the nanochemistry tab in the menu above.

If you would like to know more about Dr Alessandra Sutti or view her work, please click on the following link:

Two relevant journal articles include:

  1. “Shear-Enhanced Solution Precipitation: A Simple Process to Produce Short Polymeric Nanofibers”

  2. “Rapid Bayesian optimisation for synthesis of short polymer fiber materials”

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